My top podcasts for creatives.

I absolutely LOVE podcasts and usually have a much more of a fun and productive day when listening to one so I thought I'd share my favourite ones with you! I do listen to others that are less for my work and more for fun, so I may post about those one day, but for now here are my favourite podcasts for creatives!

  • Andy J Miller's Creative Pep Talk.

Creative Pep Talk is definitely my favourite podcast right now and it has been for a couple of months. Created & hosted by the awesome illustrator Andy J Miller, Creative Pep Talk is aimed at creatives, especially illustrators, working in the creative industry and especially those who are self employed. He offers a ton of insight into his own processes and struggles in the industry and how he has learnt from them, alongside sharing great tips and techniques to better yourself and your craft.

I highly recommend going back to the start of the podcast as there's a load of episode and the first lot are really short 'pep talks' to get you revved up for the day, so if you're feeling down and need to motivation or inspiration, just flick through for an interesting episode title and you will feel so much better after listening to even just one episode!

  • Chris Oatley's Artcast.

Chris Oatley is just a genius in the character design and animation world, he actually left Disney to set up his own art school, so his podcast is just one small part of the school he runs to help aspiring or already established artist's learn new techniques and turn themselves into professionals. 

His artcast podcast covers all sorts of topics from improving your workflow, what sort of work you should be creating depending on where you want to work and how to perfect your portfolio so it's better directed at your target audience. He also interviews lots of extremely highly established and respected artists in the industry.

If you get into his podcast, he also runs another one called Escape From Art Jail, which is basically a podcast which talks about how you can get out of any rut that your in, create the work you need to be creating to get your desired job and how to market yourself properly. To listen to it you need to sign up for a backstage pass, it has a small monthly fee, but it is so worth it because you get access to sign up for classes, forums and also to watch live portfolio reviews!

  • Stories Unbound.

Chris Oatley is a busy guy, and this is actually another one of the podcasts run by his Academy, hosted by Shawna JC Tenney, Stories Unbound is purely about Children's Book Illustrators, including interviews with some of the biggest names in the industry.

  • Adventures in Design.

This is Podcast I recently go into, hosted by Mark Brickey, who must be an extremely busy guy as this podcast is actually a daily talk show with creatives. Sometimes listening to someone else's story of how they came to be can be inspiring and motivational, so if that's what you feel like you need then give this a listen first thing!

  • Make it then tell everybody.

Sometimes as artist's, especially as freelancers, we're creating our own work without anybody to tell us if we're going in the right direction or not. It can be hard when there's no one there to validate what we're doing and sometimes even though we're creating something new and unique, it can feel like we're not on the right track because there's no one there to tell us we are. Make it then tell everybody is awesome for making you feel better about that situation.

Dan Berry is a guy on a mission to interview as many comic artists as possible. You get to find out about that makes each artist tick, how they come up with ideas, their processes and their struggles. It definitely helps to make you realise that everyone works differently and it certainly doesn't mean your on the wrong track!

  • Big Illustration Party Time.

This great podcast hosted by Kevin Cross and Joshua Kemble is one of my favourites, but unfortunately there's been no uploads for years. However the information in each episode is very relevant. They talk about their work week which I think is fun to hear, their issues with clients, how they work out payment, how they market themselves etc. There's some really sound advice to take in and implement in your own business and work process.

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