An update & some new fan art!

I've neglected my blog a little over the last month, which I didn't really want to do but I have been super busy so just had to let it take a little back seat while I focus on current client work. Although I have been writing down some new ideas for blog posts so expect to see some of those soon!

But for now, I'm writing this blog post to give you guys a little update and show you what I've been up to on the personal side of my work. 

Client wise, I'm working on the second book for The Adventures of Alinick, a card game that I'm really excited about but which won't be out until next year and I recently took on the position of Lead Illustrator at a really awesome company to work on their products which I have to keep quiet about for now, but will hopefully be able to show some of soon!

I'm also currently working on a couple of personal projects, I'm in the process of finalising a print order for a new Monster Trunk T-Shirt, I'm designing a whole world which will be full of weird creatures and some strange characters and I'm half way through designing one hundred birds. I've been working on all of these for a while, but now that I've actually wrote it out it feels like I've got a lot on my plate!

To make it easier, I'm putting my latest vlog below which I uploaded two days ago, I explain and show bits of what I'm up to, which is easier than me writing everything here!

I also recently finished up another Mortal Kombat fan art piece, this time of Scorpion. He's always been one of my favourite characters and I wanted to create a piece where I could paint the character in my usual technique but then also have a go at a more painterly style background. The background didn't really work out and that's why it's been sat for a while, because every time I went back to it I didn't know how to fix it. 

In the end I got so fed up and just decided to strip the background back and build on top of it and just play around. They say you do your best work when you're having fun, and although I wouldn't say this is my absolute best work, it definitely made the process much easier and allowed me to finish it in a small amount of time.

I'm thinking about doing some tutorials of how I work and maybe some more on how I come up with ideas etc. So let me know either on my Youtube Channel or in the comments below if that's something you'd like to see!