Goodbye to 2020 & Successes!

It’s pretty crazy to think that I’ve had my new PC since September and this is the first time I’ve even logged into Squarespace, bearing in mind I used to try and keep up regular, sometimes weekly blog posts. I have hardly uploaded any new work to Instagram or my Artstation and in general just barely created anything new that I love this year.

I used to be pretty good at creating new work, but since becoming a full time lecturer I feel a constant sense of dread and fear that I’m not good enough, even though I know that I can do it, it’s been a big leap for me and due to it being mainly online, it’s much harder to get a sense of learner satisfaction. Even looking back on my first Instagram post of 2020 I talk about how I need to change my mindset, I definitely tried, but I think 2020 affected all of us quite heavily, in different ways, but it’s definitely been a bit of a nightmare!

However, I think it’s time to stop the negativty, especially after this year, and focus on the positves. I saw the other day that Brett Bean posted on his blog his successes of 2020 rather than his New Year resolutions for 2021, something that I think is a great way to look back positively on such a weird year, or any year really! So I’m going to do the same. I also watched Pixar’s Soul the other day which really made me realise that life isn’t all about the big things, it’s just about living :)

Some of my successes this year are -

  • Started lecturing in Concept Art part time.

  • Got a full time position as a lecturer in Concept Art.

  • Got my own place for the first time in my life.

  • I feel like I got financial stability for the first time.

  • Bought a 22 inch Cintiq and high quality PC which I never thought I’d be able to afford!

It’s weird because I feel like the goals I’ve hit this year are crazy, they’re goals that I thought would never become real. I do feel like I’ve lost a lot of creative fulfilliment in my own work though, probably due to us all being in such a weird situation! However, being surrounded by the best people I feel more inspired now that ever to get back on track creatively!

Definitely try writing down your successes from this year rather than focusing on what you didn’t get done, thinking positive is what we all need right now :)

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year, see you all in 2021! :)

Rachel Alderson1 Comment